CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NF.C : Fourth Grade Math Worksheets

About 4.NF.C

Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions.

Below, you will find many printable and common core aligned worksheets for core standard 4.NF.C These worksheets are grade-appropriate for Fourth Grade Math. We have many worksheets covering various aspects of this common core standard, 4.NF.C.5, 4.NF.C.6, 4.NF.C.7, and many more. Look for more worksheets by visiting the page for this grade and subject using the menu.

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Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals and Fractions - I

Write fractions and decimals for the shaded part of the shapes. Practice converting fractions to decimals. Also practice writing decimals from word from to standard form.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.5

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals and Fractions - II

Practice problems to help students learn to relate fractions and decimals using image models. Convert money amounts to decimals in this worksheet.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.5

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals and Fractions - III

Write factions and decimals for image models and money amounts. Solve word problems based on table data with fractions by converting them to decimals.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.5

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals in Tenths

Model and write fractions and decimals in tenths.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.5

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Mixed Numbers and Decimals - I

Practice problems to make you relate mixed numbers and decimals. Convert mixed numbers to decimals and decimals to mixed numbers in simplest form.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Mixed Numbers and Decimals - II

Use number line and identify the mixed number and decimals for various points on the line. This exercise will help you relate mixed numbers and decimals.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Mixed Numbers and Decimals - III

Practice problems for you to use a number line to place mixed number and fractions on it to compare their values. Analyze a graph to solve word problems.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals : Tenths

Students will understand, identify, and write fractions and decimals in tenths.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals in Tenths

Write the fraction and decimal for the shaded part.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Model Hundredths

Model and Write fractions and decimals in hundredths.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals in Hundredths

Write fractions as a decimal. Then write each decimals a s fraction and expanded form.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals in Hundredths

Write fractions and decimals in hundredths.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals in Hundredths

Practice writing decimals and fractions in hundredths.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals Greater Than One

Read and write decimals greater than one.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals Greater Than One

Practice reading and writing decimals greater than one.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Decimals Greater Than One

Complete the table. Write word names, expanded form, and decimals (greater than one).

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Money Mania

Understand the relationship between fractions, decimals, and money.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Relate Fractions, decimals, and Money

Understand the relationship between fractions, decimals, and money.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Relate Fractions, decimals, and Money

Learn and understand how fractions, decimals, and money are related.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.6

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Place Value to Thousandth - I

Understand place Value to thousandth in a decimal. Practice finding the place value of underlined digit in a decimal and write decimals in word and expanded forms.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Place Value to Thousandth - II

Use the image models to identify the decimal and then write it in various forms. Practice with this worksheet to augment your skills about decimal place value.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Place Value to Thousandth - III

Make image models for the given decimals. Practice problems for you to convert a standard decimal to word and expanded form. More practice with data and word problems.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Equivalent Decimals - I

Similar to fractions, decimals also have equivalents. Also, write equivalent decimals to given fractions. Compare image models to find whether they show equivalent values.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Equivalent Decimals - II

Convert values shown by image models to decimals and evaluate decimal equivalency. Examine pair of decimals to identify whether they are same in value.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Equivalent Decimals - III

Draw models to evaluate whether a pair of decimals are equivalent. Practice with word problems to find out whether you can identify equivalent decimals and fractions.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Compare and Order Decimals - I

Compare decimals using image models and symbols of comparison. Also use number line to place decimals on it and then compare to find out which one is larger.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Compare and Order Decimals - II

Use money amount shown by image to convert them to decimals and then compare the amounts. Compare and order a set of decimals from least to greatest.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Compare and Order Decimals - III

Use image models, number line, or place value to compare and order decimals. Apply your skills to solve real life word problems.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Comparing and ordering Decimals

Compare and order decimals.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Comparing Decimals

Write ,= to compare decimals.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Ordering Decimals

Order decimals in order from greatest to least and least to greatest.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Adding Decimals

Practice adding decimals.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Adding Decimals

Students will practice adding decimals in vertical and horizontal format.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Subtracting Decimals

Practice subtracting decimals in vertical and horizontal format.

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Subtracting Decimals

Practice subtracting decimals ( tenths and hundredths).

Core Standard: 4.NF.C.7