Describe and compare measurable attributes.
Below, you will find many printable and common core aligned worksheets for core standard K.MD.A These worksheets are grade-appropriate for Kindergarten Math. We have many worksheets covering various aspects of this common core standard, K.MD.A.1, K.MD.A.2, and many more. Look for more worksheets by visiting the page for this grade and subject using the menu.
A brief description of the worksheets is on each of the worksheet widgets. Click on the images to view, download, or print them. All worksheets are free for individual and non-commercial use.
View the full list of topics for this grade and subject categorized by common core standards or in a traditional way.
Trace your hand, then use a ruler to measure it.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.1
Estimate the length of the objects in inches. Then use a ruler to measure the actual length of each object.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.1
Estimate the length of each bow tie. Measure the actual length in inches and centimeters using a ruler.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.1
Children will estimate the length of the objects, then use a ruler to find an actual length (in inches) of each object.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.1
Students will use the ruler to measure and compare the height of each giraffe.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.1
Students will cut and use the ruler to write and compare the length of each flower.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.1
Circle the object that holds more than the other in each box.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Children will compare weights of the objects in each set.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Children will match the bigger picture with the same smaller picture.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Draw a line from each bigger shape to its matching smaller shape.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Children will find and circle the biggest shape in each row.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Students will circle smallest objects in each row.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Compare the size of two objects in each box.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Circle the object that holds more than the other in each box.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Write the numbers 1, 2, 3 to order the household items from shortest to the longest item.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Compare the Sizes: tick the bigger picture and cross the smaller picture.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Circle the bigger object and make a triangle around the smaller object in each row.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Circle the taller picture and make a triangle around the shorter picture.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Compare and order the length of the sea animals in this measurement math worksheet.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2
Write the numbers 1, 2, 3 to order the caterpillars from longest to the shortest.
Core Standard: K.MD.A.2