Grammar and Punctuation : First Grade English Language Arts Worksheets

This page contains all our printable worksheets in section Grammar and Punctuation of First Grade English Language Arts. As you scroll down, you will see many worksheets for capitalization, period, and exclamation mark, conjunctions, nouns and pronouns, verbs, adjectives, subjects and predicate, use of is and are/contractions with not, statements, questions, and commands, singular and plural, prefix and suffix, determiners and articles, using prepositions, and more.

A brief description of the worksheets is on each of the worksheet widgets. Click on the images to view, download, or print them. All worksheets are free for individual and non-commercial use.

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Nouns and Pronouns

Worksheet: First Grade

Naming Words - Nouns

This worksheet will help students in understanding that nouns are the words that name a person, place, or a thing.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Nouns and Pronouns

Worksheet: First Grade

Naming Words - Nouns

Fill in the blank using an appropriate noun to complete each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Nouns and Pronouns

Worksheet: First Grade


Circle the noun in each group of words. Use the correct noun to complete the sentences.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Nouns and Pronouns

Worksheet: First Grade

Singular and Plural Nouns

Read the nouns. If the noun is plural, write it in singular form, if the noun is singular, write it in plural form.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Nouns and Pronouns

Worksheet: First Grade

Common and Proper Nouns

Students will learn the difference between a common and proper noun. A proper noun is capitalized, whereas a common noun is not.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Nouns and Pronouns

Worksheet: First Grade

All About Me

Learn and practice writing proper nouns.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Nouns and Pronouns

Worksheet: First Grade


Choose the correct pronoun for each underlined word/s.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Nouns and Pronouns

Worksheet: First Grade


Rewrite each sentence using the correct pronoun from the box.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Nouns and Pronouns

Singular and Plural

Worksheet: First Grade

Singular and Plural

Learn singular and plural form of nouns in this worksheet.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Singular and Plural

Worksheet: First Grade

More Than One

An s at the end of the word often means there is more than one thing i.e plural. Look at each pair of pictures. Circle the correct word.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Singular and Plural

Worksheet: First Grade

Plural Endings -s and -es

Cut, sort, and glue the word cards by their inflectional ending. Then on next page, record your results and add either -s or -es to make each word plural.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Singular and Plural

Worksheet: First Grade

Plural Form

Circle the correct plural form of the nouns in each box.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Singular and Plural

Worksheet: First Grade

More than One

Add -s or -es to singular nouns to form the plural nouns.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Singular and Plural


Worksheet: First Grade

Action Words - Verbs

Students will read and circle the action words (verbs) in this grammar worksheet.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Verbs

Worksheet: First Grade

Action Words - Verbs

Use action words from the word list to complete and write the sentences.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Verbs

Worksheet: First Grade

Action Words - Verbs

Choose any three action words from the word list. Write a sentence using each one.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Verbs

Worksheet: First Grade


Circle the verb in each group. Use the correct verb to fill in the blanks.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Verbs

Worksheet: First Grade


Circle the verb in each group of words. Use the same verbs to complete the sentences.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Verbs

Worksheet: First Grade


Circle the action verbs in each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Verbs

Worksheet: First Grade

Action Verbs and Linking Verbs

Circle the subject and underline the verb in each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Verbs

Worksheet: First Grade

Verb Tenses

Fun and engaging spinner activity for students to practice past and present verb tenses.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Verbs

Worksheet: First Grade

The Doubling Rule

Read the verbs. Then write the correct present and past tense of each verb on the lines.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Verbs


Worksheet: First Grade


Read the two sentences. Underline the sentence that is more interesting. Read the story, circle the adjectives, then draw the picture in the space provided.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Adjectives

Worksheet: First Grade


Fill in the blanks with the correct adjective.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Adjectives

Worksheet: First Grade

Adjectives that Compare

Learn adjectives, superlative adjectives, and comparative adjectives in this grammar worksheet.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Adjectives

Worksheet: First Grade

Adjectives that Compare

Learn adjectives, superlative adjectives, and comparative adjectives with this grammar worksheet.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Adjectives

Worksheet: First Grade

Sequencing : Comparative Adjectives

Write 1,2, or 3 under the pictures to compare them.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Adjectives

Worksheet: First Grade

Describing Words : Color Words

Trace and match each color word to the correct picture.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Adjectives

Worksheet: First Grade

Describing Words : Color Words (#2)

Trace and match each color word to the correct picture.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Adjectives

Worksheet: First Grade

Describing Words : Color Words

Color words help describe what something looks like. Students will learn and practice writing the describing words (color words) in this grammar worksheet.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Adjectives

Worksheet: First Grade

Love Notes Adjectives

Read each word. Color the adjectives red and other words pink.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Adjectives

Subjects and Predicate

Worksheet: First Grade


Find the subject in each sentence. Circle, then write the subjects on the lines.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Subjects and Predicate

Worksheet: First Grade


Write the subject in the blanks to complete each sentence. Choose a subject from the word bank. Use the pictures for clues.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Subjects and Predicate

Worksheet: First Grade


Underline the predicate in each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Subjects and Predicate

Worksheet: First Grade


Read each sentence carefully. Write YES or NO to tell if the predicate is underlined in each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Subjects and Predicate

Use of Is and Are/Contractions With Not

Worksheet: First Grade

Use of Is and Are

Write is or are to complete the sentences below.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Use of Is and Are/Contractions With Not

Worksheet: First Grade

Use of Is and Are

Write is or are to complete the sentences.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Use of Is and Are/Contractions With Not

Worksheet: First Grade

Contractions with Not

Write the contraction for each pair of words.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Use of Is and Are/Contractions With Not

Worksheet: First Grade

Contractions with Not

Write the contraction for the underlined words in each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Use of Is and Are/Contractions With Not


Worksheet: First Grade

Conjunctions-Words that Join

Write the conjunction in ( ) that best completes each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Conjunctions

Worksheet: First Grade

Soccer Conjunctions

Color the soccer ball with the correct conjunction that completes each sentence. Then write the word in the blank space.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Conjunctions

Worksheet: First Grade

Sunny Side Up

Color the sun with the correct conjunction that completes each sentence. Then write the word in the blank space.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Conjunctions

Worksheet: First Grade


Write the correct conjunctions in the blanks to complete the sentences.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Conjunctions

Worksheet: First Grade

Finding Conjunctions

Circle the conjunction in each sentence below. Underline the words or phrases the conjunction is connecting in each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Conjunctions

Determiners and Articles

Worksheet: First Grade

Articles: a, an, and the

Use correct articles to complete the sentences.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Determiners and Articles

Cut and paste the correct demonstrative adjective in the boxes below.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Determiners and Articles

Cut and paste the correct demonstrative adjective in the boxes.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Determiners and Articles

Worksheet: First Grade

These or Those?

Write these or those in the blanks to complete the sentences.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Determiners and Articles

Worksheet: First Grade

Quantifiers with Plural Nouns

Circle and write the correct quantifier to use with each plural noun.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Determiners and Articles

Worksheet: First Grade

How Many?

Circle the word(s) in each sentence that comes before the noun to show “how many”.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Determiners and Articles

Worksheet: First Grade

Articles: a, an, the

Circle and write the correct article that goes before each noun.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Determiners and Articles

Worksheet: First Grade

Articles: a, an

Look at the pictures carefully. Cut and paste the word in the correct box. Then write ‘a’ or ‘an’ in the blanks.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Determiners and Articles

Using Prepositions

Worksheet: First Grade

Where is the Bug?

Use a preposition from the word bank to show the relationship.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Using Prepositions

Worksheet: First Grade


Use a preposition from the word bank to complete each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Using Prepositions

Worksheet: First Grade

Where did Matt Go?

Write preposition from the word bank to complete each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Using Prepositions

Worksheet: First Grade

In / on / At

Write the correct preposition to complete each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Using Prepositions

Worksheet: First Grade

Highlighting Prepositions

Find and highlight the prepositions.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Using Prepositions

Prefix and Suffix

Worksheet: First Grade


Complete each word by adding a prefix to a root/base word.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Prefix and Suffix

Worksheet: First Grade


Write the correct suffix after each root word. Then write the new word.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Prefix and Suffix

Worksheet: First Grade

Adding Prefixes

Add prefixes to the base words and write the new word. Then write its meaning in the space provided. Use the table for your help.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Prefix and Suffix

Worksheet: First Grade

Adding Suffixes

Add correct suffix to the base words and write the new word. Then draw a line to match the word to its correct meaning.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Prefix and Suffix

Statements, Questions, and Commands

Worksheet: First Grade


Match each statement with its correct picture.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Statements, Questions, and Commands

Worksheet: First Grade


Learn to identify and write the statements.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Statements, Questions, and Commands

Worksheet: First Grade

Question Mark

Read each sentence. Rewrite them using the correct punctuation. Use period for a statement and a question mark for a question.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Statements, Questions, and Commands

Worksheet: First Grade

Question Mark

Write Q next to each question. Write S next to each statement.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Statements, Questions, and Commands

Worksheet: First Grade


Write C next to each command. Write Q next to each question.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Statements, Questions, and Commands

Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade

Capitalization : Sentences

Rewrite the first word of each sentence. Write a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade

Capitalization : Sentences

Use the proofreading mark under each letter that should be a capital letter. Write the capital letter above each one.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade

Capitalization : People's Names

Practice the basic rules of capitalization.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade

Capitalization : People's Names

Practice writing people's names using a capital letter at the beginning.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade

Capitalization : Pet's Names

Learn and practice the rules of capitalization.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade


Rewrite each sentence. Be sure to use a capital letter at the beginning and the correct punctuation in the end.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade

Punctuation : Question Mark

Rewrite each sentence. Be sure to use a capital letter at the beginning and a question mark in the end.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade

Question and Exclamation Mark

Look at the pictures. Write a sentence that is a question and a sentences that is an exclamation for each picture.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade

Names : Days of the Week

Write the days of the week in correct order. Be sure to start with a capital letter.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark

Worksheet: First Grade

Names: Months of the Year

Write the months of the year in correct order. Be sure to begin with a capital letter.

Category:  Grammar and Punctuation     Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark