Worksheets for Fourth Grade : Free English Language Arts

Fourth Grade : Free English Language Arts Worksheets

Become fluent in reading and learn to use context clues. Interpret data and technical text. Determine and describe settings, themes, and events. Grammar gets complex with prepositional phrases, progressive verb tenses, and modal auxiliaries. Learn to use thesaurus, tools, and technology. Form and develop opinions to write organized writing pieces using details and evidences.

Here is the list of all the topics that students learn in this grade. There are some sample worksheets below each section to provide a sense of what to expect. Each section has some free worksheets too. Please subscribe to access the whole content in its best form.

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Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Monkeying Around

Read and complete each sentence with the correct auxiliary verb.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Use Modal Auxiliaries

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Get the Facts

This worksheet will teach you about food labels. Read the nutrition and ingredient list, then answer the questions that follow.

Category:  Reading: Informational Text     Integration of Knowledge and Ideas     Interpret Information from Visual, Oral or Quantitative Sources