ADDITION - 1 DIGIT : Second Grade Math Worksheets

This page contains all our printable worksheets in section Addition: Single Digit of Second Grade Math. As you scroll down, you will see many worksheets for addition with pictures, addition sentences, ways to make a number, word problems, addition facts (sums to 18), complete the addition sentence, doubles and doubles plus one, adding three single-digit numbers, input/output tables, addition facts, count on, addition (0-9), make a ten, and more.

A brief description of the worksheets is on each of the worksheet widgets. Click on the images to view, download, or print them. All worksheets are free for individual and non-commercial use.

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Addition with Pictures

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition with Pictures

Add two groups to find the sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition with Pictures

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition with Pictures

Write an addition sentence for each set of pictures , then find the sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition with Pictures

Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Using 2

Practice addition with 2, from Monday to Thursday, then take a timed test on Friday.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Using 3

Practice addition with 3, from Monday to Thursday, then take a timed test on Friday.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Using 5

Children will practice addition with 5 from Monday to Thursday, then take a timed test on Friday.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Using 6

Children will practice addition with 6 from Monday to Thursday, then take a timed test on Friday.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Using 7

Children will practice addition with 7 from Monday to Thursday, then take a timed test on Friday.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Using 8

Children will practice addition with 8 from Monday to Thursday, then take a timed test on Friday.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Using 9

Children will practice addition with 9 from Monday to Thursday, then take a timed test on Friday.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Counting on 1, 2 , and 3

Find each sum. Start with a greater number to count on.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Count On

Circle the greater number. Count on to find each sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Using 1

This set includes 5 different worksheets. Children will practice addition with 1, from Monday to Thursday, then take a timed test on Friday.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Using 4

Practice addition with 4 from Monday to Thursday, then take a timed test on Friday.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition (0-9)

Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade

Related Addition Facts

Write the related addition facts.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade


Add two addends to find each sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade


Practice adding two single digits to find the sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade


Add two digit to find each sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade


This single digit addition worksheet allows children to practice addition in a horizontal format.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade


Practice adding two digits in a horizontal format.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade


Solve the simple two digit addition problems.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade

Ways to Make a Number Using Addition

Circle different ways you can make each number using addition.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade

Practice the Facts

Use patterns and rules to find sums.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Worksheet: Second Grade

Let's Make the Numbers!

Write three different ways of making numbers using addition.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Facts and Practice

Input/Output Tables

Worksheet: Second Grade

Follow the Rule

Follow the rule to complete each function table.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Input/Output Tables

Worksheet: Second Grade

Complete the Table ( rule : add 5 )

Follow the addition rule to complete the table.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Input/Output Tables

Worksheet: Second Grade

Complete the Table ( Rule : add 6 )

Follow the addition rule ( add 6) to complete the table.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Input/Output Tables

Worksheet: Second Grade

Complete the Table ( Rule : add 7 )

Follow the addition rule (add 7) to complete the in and out table.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Input/Output Tables

Worksheet: Second Grade

Complete the Table ( Rule : add 8 )

Complete the input/output table by follwing the addition rule.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Input/Output Tables

Worksheet: Second Grade

Complete The Table ( Rule : add 9 )

Follow the rule ( add - 9 ) to complete the table.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Input/Output Tables

Doubles and Doubles Plus One

Worksheet: Second Grade

Doubles and Doubles - Plus - One

Write the doubles fact. Then write doubles plus one fact.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Doubles and Doubles Plus One

Worksheet: Second Grade

Doubles and Near Doubles

Complete the doubles fact. Then write both doubles plus one facts.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Doubles and Doubles Plus One

Worksheet: Second Grade

Doubles and Doubles + 1

Solve the doubles and doubles plus one facts as fast as you can.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Doubles and Doubles Plus One

Make a Ten

Worksheet: Second Grade

Make a Ten

Draw counters in the tens frame to make a ten. Then write the missing addend.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Make a Ten

Worksheet: Second Grade

Make a Ten

Use a ten frame and counters to make a ten. Then find the sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Make a Ten

Worksheet: Second Grade

Find the Sum

Make a ten to find each sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Make a Ten

Worksheet: Second Grade

Find the Sum ( Ten Frames )

Make a ten to find each sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Make a Ten

Addition Sentences

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Sentence

Write an addition sentence for each set of pictures in the space provided.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Sentences

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Sentence

Write an addition sentence for each set of pictures in the space provided.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Sentences

Worksheet: Second Grade

Missing Addend

Cut out the numbers and glue them in the correct box to complete each addition sentence.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Addition Sentences

Adding Three Numbers

Worksheet: Second Grade

Adding Three Numbers

Solve the science riddle by adding three single digit numbers.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Adding Three Numbers

Worksheet: Second Grade

Adding More Than 2 Numbers (0-9)

Practice adding more than two numbers to find the sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Adding Three Numbers

Worksheet: Second Grade

Adding Three Numbers

Add three numbers to find the sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Adding Three Numbers

Worksheet: Second Grade

Adding More Than 2 Numbers (0-9)

Add more than two numbers to find the sum.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Adding Three Numbers

Worksheet: Second Grade

Adding More than 2 Numbers (0-9)

Practice adding more than 2 numbers in this addition worksheet.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Adding Three Numbers

Word Problems

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Word Problems (one digit)

Read, understand, and solve the addition word problems.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Word Problems

Worksheet: Second Grade

Addition Time

Read and solve each word problem.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Word Problems

Worksheet: Second Grade

Word Problems ( Three Number Addition )

Read and solve the word problems.

Category:  ADDITION - 1 DIGIT     Word Problems