Multiplication and Division : Fourth Grade Math Worksheets

This page contains all our printable worksheets in section Multiplication and Division of Fourth Grade Math. As you scroll down, you will see many worksheets for multiplication and division facts, algebra: muliplication and division, multiply by 1-digit numbers, multiply by 2-digit numbers, divide by 1-digit numbers, factors and patterns, and more.

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Multiplication and Division Facts

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Relate Operations - I

Relate addition to a multiplication sentence. Make equal groups and add them. Then, practice writing a multiplication or division sentence.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Relate Operations

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Relate Operations - II

Use a group of images and divide them into equal groups of stated number. Then, write a division sentence by counting the number of groups in the set.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Relate Operations

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Relate Operations - III

Understand word problems step by step. Use repeated addition to find the solution of the problem. Solve simple division and multiplication problems in the worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Relate Operations

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Relate Multiplication and Division - I

Multiplication and division are inverse operations. Use three numbers to write related facts for multiplication and division. Solve some word problems as well.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Relate Multiplication and Division

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Relate Multiplication and Division - II

Start with writing related fact families in this worksheet. Then, solve some word problems where you will need to do simple multiplication and division.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Relate Multiplication and Division

Start with deciphering a word problem by breaking into parts. More multiplication, division and fact family related problems are there in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Relate Multiplication and Division

Start writing multiplication sentences by examining arrays. Practice multiplication and division using facts through 12.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Multiply and Divide: Facts Through 12

Write an inverse operation for a multiplication statement. Learn how multiplication and division facts are related. Use them to solve some word problems.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Multiply and Divide: Facts Through 12

Learn to multiply by breaking apart a number greater than 10. This worksheet gives an introduction to multiplication using distributive property.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Multiply and Divide: Facts Through 12

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Multiplication Table and Patterns - I

Complete a large multiplication table having multiplication of facts through 12. Identify patterns in it. Supplement your skills by filling in the missing numbers in patterns.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Multiplication Tables and Patterns

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Multiplication Table and Patterns - II

A set of practice problems requiring proficiency in multiplication facts. There are some multiple choice problems as well in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Multiplication Tables and Patterns

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Multiplication Table and Patterns - III

Follow a rule and apply it to complete a multiplication table. There are some problems to check the facts that you have learned by now. Find unknowns in a statement.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Facts     Multiplication Tables and Patterns

Algebra: Muliplication and Division

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Multiplication Properties - I

Use image models to relate to properties of multiplication. Apply the properties and ease your work of multiplying numbers in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Muliplication Properties

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Multiplication Properties - II

Identify the used property of multiplication by looking at the image model of multiplication statement. Learn more about distributive property in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Muliplication Properties

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Multiplication Properties - II

Identify and apply zero, identity, associative, or distributive property of multiplication and learn about their application while finding product of numbers.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Muliplication Properties

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Order of Operations - I

Know about order of operations and correctly evaluate an expression using it. 2 + 5 × 6 can be evaluated wrongly if correct order of operation is not used.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Order of Operations

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Order of Operations - II

Practice applying the order of operations while evaluating expressions. Given a set of three numbers, complete the number sentences using order of operations.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Order of Operations

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Order of Operations - III

More practice about order of operations. Extend your skills about order of operations to a set of word problems. Convert a word problem statement to an expression.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Order of Operations

Evaluate simple multiplication and division expressions having parenthesis. Use a word problem statement and write an expression that matches it.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Expressions

Learn to use unknown variables in algebraic expressions. Evaluate algebraic expressions if you are provided with the value of unknown variable in the expression.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Expressions

Practice evaluating expressions containing all four operations. Apply order of operations and your skills about resolving expressions with pantheists to evaluate.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Expressions

Solve simple equations for the unknown variable. This will test your skills about order of operations and moving terms on the other side of = sign.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Equations

Learn to verify whether a solution of an equation is indeed correct. Form equations from word problems using a variable for the unknown and solve.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Equations

Practice problems for you to solve equations having multiplication and division terms as well an unknown variable. Learn to verify your solution in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Algebra: Muliplication and Division     Multiplication and Division Equations

Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers

Practice extending multiplication facts of 2 single digit numbers to larger numbers that are multiples of 10s and 100s.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     Multiply Using Patterns

Use multiplication facts that you mastered to multiply multi-digit numbers. Find the missing number in a multiplication sentence using your knowledge of these facts.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     Multiply Using Patterns

Complete the multiplication tables by using patterns and facts. Interpret a data table and solve the word problem using the same.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     Multiply Using Patterns

Round the bigger factor in a multiplication expression and then use multiplication facts to reach an estimated product. Identify the best estimate in a multiple choice problem.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     Estimate Products

Estimate products and then explain how you estimated. Apply your skills to find the solution to daily life problems quickly by using estimation.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     Estimate Products

Estimate the value of a multiplication expression by rounding the terms. Apply your estimation skills to a set of word problems in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     Estimate Products

Use the base ten block to write a multiplication sentence and then find the product. learn to draw multiplication models for a multiplication statement in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     Model Multiplication

Practice with base ten blocks to portray a multiplication sentence. Calculate the product by counting all the blocks. Now given a multiplication sentence, draw the model too.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     Model Multiplication

Convert a word problem to a multiplication sentence in order to reach the solution. Then, use base ten blocks to find the product.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     Model Multiplication

Practice multiplication with bigger numbers having 3 digits. One of the term is 1-digit. Use place value and multiplication facts to break a problem and use addition to find the product.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     3-Digit by 1-Digit Multiplication

The technique used in the worksheet is finding partial products and vertically adding them to find the final product of a 3 and 1 digit number. Use place value and then addition.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     3-Digit by 1-Digit Multiplication

Learn to use place value, grouping, and addition to find the product of 3-digit and 1-digit number. This is the traditional way to multiply and learning this method is very important.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     3-Digit by 1-Digit Multiplication

Start solving multiplication of large 4-digit numbers by 1 -digit number in this worksheet. Concepts are the same, just the complexity and number of steps have increased.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     4-Digit by 1-Digit Multiplication

Use place value, multiplication facts, regrouping and addition to find products in this worksheets. The terms sound more complex than the problems actually are.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     4-Digit by 1-Digit Multiplication

Extend your skills of multiplying two numbers to word problems in this worksheet. The problems are multi-step and also require you to interpret data from tables.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers     4-Digit by 1-Digit Multiplication

Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers

Apply multiplication facts and patterns to 2-digit by multi-digit multiplication. One term in the product is multiple of 10 and the other is multiple of 10, 100, or 1000.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Multiplication Patterns

More practice problems where you will use facts and patterns to multiply a multi-digit number with a two digit numbers. Complete multiplication tables using them.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Multiplication Patterns

Solve for the unknown in a multiplication equation. Apply your knowledge of multiplication facts and patterns to solve for the missing number. Work with data.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Multiplication Patterns

Round the factors in the statement and then use multiplication facts to estimate the product. Solve word problems using the same rounding and estimation skills.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Estimation

A collection of problems to practice the estimation of product of 2 whole numbers. Apply your skills to real life problems and start guessing and estimating in real life.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Estimation

Convert a multiplication statement into another by rounding the terms and then apply the multiplication facts to get the product. Use your skills and find the population using data.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Estimation

Make and interpret multiplication image/grid models that shows the multiplication of a 2-digit number by another 2-digit number.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Using Models to Multiply

Write a multiplication sentence using the model/rectangular array. Similarly make the model given a multiplication sentence showing 2-d by 2-d multiplication.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Using Models to Multiply

More practice problem where you will need to make an array/image model to show the multiplication sentence. Practice extends to word problems in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Using Models to Multiply

Practice and multiply 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers using partial products and summation of them. Solve some word problems that involves such multiplication.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     2-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

Use place value and regrouping into tens and ones, to multiply 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers in this worksheet. Worksheet has a lesson about how to do it.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     2-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

A collection of problems to add to fluency while multiplying 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers. Apply the skills to find the solution of word problems.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     2-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

Time to practice with 3-4 digit numbers when multiplying with 2-digit numbers. Use place value and regrouping while solving the problems.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     3-4-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

A set of multiplication problems along with a few word problems in the worksheet. Read data from the table and use your multiplication skills to solve.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     3-4-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

This worksheet will require all your multiplication skills that you acquired till date. Solve problems and work with data in a table.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     3-4-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

Divide by 1-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Divisors, Quotients and Remainders - I

Write a division sentence for the image model. Identify divisor, quotient, and remainder by looking at the model. Then, use other models in the worksheet to find solutions.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Divisors, Quotients and Remainders

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Divisors, Quotients and Remainders - II

Work with given image models showing a division sentence. Identify divisor, dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder in the sentence. Practice dividing by a 1-digit number.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Divisors, Quotients and Remainders

Practice problems in this worksheet to help you become aware with all parts and solution components of a division problems. Practice doing so without using the models.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Divisors, Quotients and Remainders

The worksheet has an example of how to divide a 2 digit number by a 1-digit divisor using base ten blocks. Find quotients and remainder using the same type of modelling.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Model/Divide: 2-Digit by 1-Digit

Draw baste ten blocks to divide and find the quotient and remainder. Apply the same modelling to solve word problems. Practice completing simple division tables,

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Model/Divide: 2-Digit by 1-Digit

Complete division tables by relating multiplication facts to division facts using inverse operation. Apply these facts to solve a few word problems.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Model/Divide: 2-Digit by 1-Digit

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Division Patterns - I

Division patterns are similar to multiplication patterns, just in an inverse way. Familiarize yourself with division facts and patterns in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Division Patterns

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Division Patterns - II

Use facts and division patterns to find the quotient. Find the missing number in a division sentence. Worksheet also has a multiple choice problem to help with test preparation.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Division Patterns

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Division Patterns - III

Start using an unknown algebraic variable in a division sentence. Find this missing number using division patterns. Solve a few word problems to sharpen your skills.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Division Patterns

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Estimate Quotients - I

To estimate the quotient, round the dividend and then estimate. Use similar estimation to find the solution of some word problems quickly.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Estimate Quotients

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Estimate Quotients - II

Estimate quotients in this worksheet and then explain your method. More problems requiring estimation/rounding to solve division.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Estimate Quotients

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Estimate Quotients - III

Convert one division sentence to another after rounding, and then estimate the quotient. There are 5 more word problems for you to relate division/estimation to real life math.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Estimate Quotients

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Dividing 3-Digit Numbers - I

Practice dividing three digit number by a single digit divisor in the traditional way to find quotient and remainder. Extend your skills by solving word problems.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Dividing 3-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Dividing 3-Digit Numbers - II

Find quotient and remainder when dividing a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number. Learn to write your solution in standard form showing quotient and remainder.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Dividing 3-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Dividing 3-Digit Numbers - III

Work your way in reverse to find the dividend by multiplying the divisor and quotient, and then adding remainder. Find missing numbers in division statements using the method.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Dividing 3-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Dividing 4-Digit Numbers - I

Practice division with larger 4-digit numbers. Methods are the same but complexity increases because 4-digit numbers are being divided now.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Dividing 4-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Dividing 4-Digit Numbers - II

Divide 4 digit numbers by 1 digit number and record your answers in standard form. Complete the division tables to enhance your understanding of division patterns.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Dividing 4-Digit Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Dividing 4-Digit Numbers - III

Solve word problems now requiring a 4-digit numbers to be divided. Convert the word problem into a division statement and then find quotient and remainder.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Divide by 1-Digit Numbers     Dividing 4-Digit Numbers

Factors and Patterns

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Factors and Multiples - I

A multiplication expression is shown to you as a rectangular array. Use the array to find the factors of the number. Practice drawing arrays for a number and then find factors.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Factors and Multiples

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Factors and Multiples - II

Use rectangular arrays to find factors of a number. Understand and find multiples of a given number, i,e find the first 5 multiples of 10.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Factors and Multiples

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Factors and Multiples - III

Identify whether a given number is a factor of another number. Similarly verify whether a given number is a multiple of another number.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Factors and Multiples

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Prime and Composite Numbers - I

Understand prime and composite numbers and difference between them. Use multiplication arrays to find the factors and decide whether a number is prime or composite.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Prime and Composite Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Prime and Composite Numbers - II

Draw arrays to find factors of a number then determine whether number is prime or composite. More practice problems for you to determine the same.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Prime and Composite Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Prime and Composite Numbers - III

Check your facts about prime and composite numbers in the worksheet. List all the prime and composite numbers in a range between two numbers.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Prime and Composite Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Factors of Whole Numbers - I

Using rectangular multiplication arrays, write the multiplication sentences. Use them to find the factors of a number. Learn to break apart a number in form of multiples.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Factors of Whole Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Factors of Whole Numbers - II

Use image modelling to break apart numbers in various factors whose product is same as the given number. Write the multiplication equation using these factors.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Factors of Whole Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Factors of Whole Numbers - III

Draw models using rectangular arrays to represent a multiplication sentence/equation. Relate factors of whole numbers to solve word problems.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Factors of Whole Numbers

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Prime Factors - I

Learn to use factor trees to find the prime factors of a number. Examine whole numbers to figure out whether they can be prime factors of other numbers.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Prime Factors

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Prime Factors - II

More practice problems where you will use a factor tree to find the prime factor of a whole number. Use your skills to solve word problems as well.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Prime Factors

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Prime Factors - III

After find the prime factors of a few numbers, you will practice with the word problems. Also, if the prime factors are given, can you identify the number from a set?

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Prime Factors

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Numbers Patterns - I

Looking at a number sequence, identify the rule. Then use the same rule to extend the number patterns. Rules can be based on any of the four operations.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Number Patterns

Worksheet: Fourth Grade

Numbers Patterns - II

Find the missing number in a number pattern once you are able to identify the rule that the pattern follows. There are some really tricky problems in this worksheet based on rules and patterns.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Factors and Patterns     Number Patterns