Conventions of Standard English : Grammar : Fifth Grade English Language Arts Worksheets

Below, you will find a wide range of our printable worksheets in chapter Conventions of Standard English of section Grammar. These worksheets are appropriate for Fifth Grade English Language Arts. We have crafted many worksheets covering various aspects of this topic, verb tenses, conjunctions, inappropriate shifts in verb tense, correlative conjunctions, perfect verb tenses, interjection / prepositions, commas: items in a series, comma usage within sentences, using commas to separate the introductory elements, using titles in text, grade-appropriate spelling words, and many more. We hope you find them very useful and interesting.

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Conventions of Standard English

Worksheet: Fifth Grade


Read the sentences. Underline the conjunction in each sentence, then put a comma in the correct place.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Conjunctions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses. Practice completing a few sentences with the correct coordinating conjunctions.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Conjunctions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Subordinating Conjunctions

A subordinating conjunction joins two clauses to make one dependent on the other. Underline the subordinating conjunction in each sentence.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Conjunctions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Subordinating Conjunctions #2

Combine each pair of sentences using a subordinating conjunction from the word box. Practice combining a few sentences in this worksheet.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Conjunctions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade


An interjection is a word or a phrase that shows excitement or emotion. Use an exclamation mark if interjection shows very strong emotion.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Interjection / Prepositions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Sentences With Interjections

Write a sentence using an interjection from the word box.(An interjection is a part of speech that conveys the emotion or feeling of the author).

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Interjection / Prepositions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Jazz up With Interjections

Make each sentence interesting and dramatic by rewriting the sentence using an interjection.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Interjection / Prepositions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade


Underline a preposition in each sentence. There may be more than one preposition in each sentence.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Interjection / Prepositions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Prepositional Phrases

Circle the prepositional phrase and underline the object of the preposition in each sentence. Then write a preposition on the line to complete each prepositional phrase.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Interjection / Prepositions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

School Carnival

Use the correct past tense or past participle form of the verb to rewrite each sentence on the lines provided.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Perfect Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Perfect Verb Tenses

Fill in the blank in each sentence with the proper form of the verb in the parenthesis.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Perfect Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Appropriate Verb Tenses

Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentence.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Perfect Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Perfect Verb Tense

Underline the perfect verb tenses in the sentences. Identify the type and then write present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect on the lines provided.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Perfect Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Stative or Dynamic Verbs

Identify whether the underlined verbs in each sentence is a stative or dynamic verb.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Sort It Out

Identify whether the verbs in the word bank are dynamic or stative.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Using Verb Tenses in Sentences

Read the sentences carefully. Rewrite each sentence in the other two forms of verb.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Past, Present, and Future Tense

Identify whether each sentence is written in a past, present, or future tense.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

The Present Participle

Present participle is the form of verb that is used in forming continuous tenses. Write X on the line if the sentence contains a present participle.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Linking Verbs

Draw a line under the linking verb in each of the sentences. Then choose the correct form of the linking verb from the parenthesis to complete each sentence.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Verb Tenses

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Tense Consistency

Identify the verb tenses in each sentence. Rewrite each sentence that has an inappropriate shift in verb tense. If the tenses are correct, write 'correct sentence'.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Inappropriate Shifts in Verb Tense

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Inappropriate Shifts in Verb Tense

A verb tense must match the time when the verb's action takes place. Read and check the sentences for confusing shifts in tense.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Inappropriate Shifts in Verb Tense

Write the word (verb tense) from the parenthesis that correctly completes each sentence.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Inappropriate Shifts in Verb Tense

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Edit the Story

Read the passage carefully, and determine the main tense. Then underline the verbs that shift incorrectly from the main tense. Write the correct verb tense above.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Inappropriate Shifts in Verb Tense

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Correlative Conjunctions #1

Some conjunctions combine with other words to form a correlative conjunction. Underline the correlative conjunctions used in each sentence.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Correlative Conjunctions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Correlative Conjunctions #2

Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the words or, nor, but also, or and.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Correlative Conjunctions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Correlative Conjunctions #3

Read the sentences. Choose the pair of correlative conjunctions that best completes each sentence.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Correlative Conjunctions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Items in a Series

Rewrite the sentences by placing the commas where needed. If a sentence does not need commas, write 'correct' on the lines provided.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Commas: Items in a Series

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Correct Comma Usage

Find the sentence that has the correct usage of commas among each set of sentences. Then write its number on the lines.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Commas: Items in a Series

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Commas in a Series

Read each pair of sentences. Rewrite each set into a single sentence with a series. Add commas where they are needed.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Commas: Items in a Series

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Commas and Introductory Phrases

Place a comma to divide the introductory word or phrase from the rest of the sentence. Then underline the introductory phrase.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Using Commas to Separate the Introductory Elements

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Introductory Elements #1

Underline the introductory element in each sentence. Then place a comma where necessary.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Using Commas to Separate the Introductory Elements

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Introductory Elements #2

A comma may be used to divide the introductory word/phrase of a sentence from the rest of the sentence. Practice using some of these to build sentences.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Using Commas to Separate the Introductory Elements

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Direct Address

A direct address is when a speaker uses the name of a person whom he or she is speaking to. Rewrite each indirect statement as a quote that includes direct address.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Comma Usage Within Sentences

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Commas With Direct Address

Place commas where needed in each sentence and underline the noun of direct address.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Comma Usage Within Sentences

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Introductory Elements

Place a comma to set off the introductory words from the rest of the sentence.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Comma Usage Within Sentences

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Using Comma to Set Off a Tag Question

Use a comma to set off a tag question as an introductory element from the rest of the sentence.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Comma Usage Within Sentences

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Correct Comma Placement

Rewrite each sentence by placing commas in the correct place. Practice placing commas at the right place in this worksheet.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Comma Usage Within Sentences

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Punctuating Titles

Read the sentences. Underline or use quotation marks wherever needed.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Using Titles in Text

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Formatting Titles

Find the title or titles in the sentences. Underline or use the quotation marks wherever needed.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Using Titles in Text

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Movies and Books

Rewrite each title using correct capitalization on the lines provided.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Using Titles in Text

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Spelling Words With -ant and -able

Spell and rewrite each word with the suffix -ant or-able correctly on the lines. Then sort out the words in the appropriate columns

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Grade-Appropriate Spelling Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Spelling Words With “Shun” Sound

Write the “shun” word from the word bank next to its correct definition.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Grade-Appropriate Spelling Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Mixed Up Words

Use the word bank to unscramble the spelling words. Then write a sentence using any two words from the word bank.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Grade-Appropriate Spelling Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Words With Final /schwa+r/ Sound

Write er, ar, or, or re at the end to complete each spelling word.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Grade-Appropriate Spelling Words

Underline the correctly spelled word in each pair of spelling words.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Grade-Appropriate Spelling Words

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Find the Correct Spelling Words

Underline the correctly spelled word in each pair of spelling words.

Category:  Grammar     Conventions of Standard English     Grade-Appropriate Spelling Words

Again, please feel free to visit Grammar to browse similar worksheets that may interest you.