Decimals : Fifth Grade Math Worksheets

This page contains all our printable worksheets in section Decimals of Fifth Grade Math. As you scroll down, you will see many worksheets for add/subtract decimals, divide decimals, multiply decimals, decimal concepts, and more.

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Decimal Concepts

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimal Place Value - I

Learn how to represent decimals using models. Explore place value at the tenth's, hundredth's, or thousandth's place of a decimal.

Category:  Decimals     Decimal Concepts     Place Value

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimal Place Value - II

Modelling of decimals. Write a decimal in word and expanded form using place value system. Convert one form to another.

Category:  Decimals     Decimal Concepts     Place Value

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimal Place Value - III

Collection of practice problems to help you learn decimal place value, ways to write decimals. There are some word problems too.

Category:  Decimals     Decimal Concepts     Place Value

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Equivalent Decimals - I

Use decimal models to compare models and find whether two decimals are equivalent. Learn writing pairs of equivalent decimals.

Category:  Decimals     Decimal Concepts     Equivalent Decimals

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Equivalent Decimals - II

Evaluate whether two decimals or a part of a fraction and decimal is equivalent. Identify the value of a decimal by examining a model.

Category:  Decimals     Decimal Concepts     Equivalent Decimals

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimals and Fractions - I

Evaluate whether a decimal represent the same value as a given fraction. Convert a decimal to a fraction and vice versa.

Category:  Decimals     Decimal Concepts     Decimals and Fractions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimals and Fractions - II

Convert a decimals to a fractions and vice versa. Compare a fraction and a decimal by converting them to the same form.

Category:  Decimals     Decimal Concepts     Decimals and Fractions

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Compare and Order Decimals - I

Compare two or more decimals using a number lines and show the results using a comparison symbol. Order decimals from the least to the greatest or vice versa.

Category:  Decimals     Decimal Concepts     Compare and Order

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Compare and Order Decimals - II

Use image models, number lines, or place value chart to compare and order decimals. Solve word problems from the science class using your decimal comparison skills.

Category:  Decimals     Decimal Concepts     Compare and Order

Add/Subtract Decimals

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Round Decimals - I

Start rounding decimals using a number line. Practice rounding money to the nearest whole or tenths. Practice a few problems that you are likely to see in tests.

Category:  Decimals     Add/Subtract Decimals     Rounding

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Round Decimals - II

Round decimals to any digit's place. Use rounding skills to solve word problems. Convert a decimal in expanded form to standard form and then round.

Category:  Decimals     Add/Subtract Decimals     Rounding

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Add/Subtract Decimals - I

Add or subtract two decimals having digits up to thousandths place. Apply your skills to solve some money related word problems.

Category:  Decimals     Add/Subtract Decimals     Add or Subtract Decimals

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Add/Subtract Decimals - II

Relate decimal addition and subtraction. Learn how addition of two decimals can help you find the missing decimals in a subtraction problem or vice versa.

Category:  Decimals     Add/Subtract Decimals     Add or Subtract Decimals

Round decimals to a given place or a whole number and then estimate sums or differences. See how rounding can help in finding an approximate solution.

Category:  Decimals     Add/Subtract Decimals     Estimate Sums and Differences

Round three decimals to whole numbers and then estimate the sums. Apply rounding skills to solve word problems requiring estimation, addition, and subtraction.

Category:  Decimals     Add/Subtract Decimals     Estimate Sums and Differences

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Addition Properties and Decimals - I

Practice identity, associative, and commutative property of addition with decimals. Use them to find the missing decimal in an equation/statement.

Category:  Decimals     Add/Subtract Decimals     Addition Properties and Decimals

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Addition Properties and Decimals - II

Practice problems for properties of addition with decimals. Solve word problems that requires addition of three decimals and speed up using these properties.

Category:  Decimals     Add/Subtract Decimals     Addition Properties and Decimals

Multiply Decimals

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimals: Modeling Multiplication - I

Interpret an image model and convert it to a decimal multiplication expression. Use the model to find the product of two decimals.

Category:  Decimals     Multiply Decimals     Modelling Multiplication

Use tenths and hundredths image models to find products of two decimals. Practice problems will help you find products of two decimals using image models.

Category:  Decimals     Multiply Decimals     Modelling Multiplication

Use image models and and find the product of two decimals having digits up to hundreds place. Sharpen your skills with more practice.

Category:  Decimals     Multiply Decimals     Modelling Multiplication

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Patterns in Decimal Operations - I

Use multiplication patterns to find the products of decimals. Practice your decimal multiplication skills with some word problems.

Category:  Decimals     Multiply Decimals     Patterns in Decimal Operations

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Patterns in Decimal Operations - II

Multiplication patterns can be used to simplify the product of decimals just like whole numbers. Interpret data tables and solve more multiplication problems containing decimals.

Category:  Decimals     Multiply Decimals     Patterns in Decimal Operations

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimals: Estimate Products - I

Estimation requires rounding to the nearest mentioned place value. Use rounding skills to estimate the product of decimal-decimal or decimal-whole numbers.

Category:  Decimals     Multiply Decimals     Estimate Products

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimals: Estimate Products - II

Estimate products of decimals, whole numbers or a combination. Use rounding to solve the word problems that require rounding, multiplication, and estimation.

Category:  Decimals     Multiply Decimals     Estimate Products

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimal Products - I

Find the product of decimals. Practice multiplying whole numbers and find the right place for decimal in the final product.

Category:  Decimals     Multiply Decimals     Decimal Products

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimal Products - II

Practice multiplication of two large decimals and be fluent in solving word problems. Solve some multi-step problems involving products, addition, and subtraction of decimals.

Category:  Decimals     Multiply Decimals     Decimal Products

Divide Decimals

Practice dividing decimals by whole numbers. Solve word problems requiring such division when quotient is a decimal too.

Category:  Decimals     Divide Decimals     Divide by Whole Numbers

A set of decimal division problems. There are some word problems in the worksheets that will prepare you to solve some daily life math problems.

Category:  Decimals     Divide Decimals     Divide by Whole Numbers

Estimate quotients in decimal division by rounding the decimal to a whole number. Apply estimation to word problems as well.

Category:  Decimals     Divide Decimals     Estimate Quotients

Estimate the quotient when a decimal is divided by a whole number. It helps to use your skills when you go to supermarkets and run calculations in your mind.

Category:  Decimals     Divide Decimals     Estimate Quotients

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Patterns in Decimal Division - I

Use of facts and patterns in decimal division. This worksheet helps you calculate 18/0.02 if you know how to divide 18 by 2.

Category:  Decimals     Divide Decimals     Patterns with Power of 10

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Patterns in Decimal Division - II

Worksheets has a combination of division problems having decimals. Use facts and division patterns to relate a fact to another similar division.

Category:  Decimals     Divide Decimals     Patterns with Power of 10

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimal Division: By Decimals - I

Convert a decimal by decimal division problem to a decimal by whole number division problem and then find the quotient.

Category:  Decimals     Divide Decimals     Divide Decimals by Decimals

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Decimal Division: By Decimals - II

Find the unknown number in a decimal division expression. Solve word problems that requires a decimal to be divided by another decimal.

Category:  Decimals     Divide Decimals     Divide Decimals by Decimals