Measurement : Fifth Grade Math Worksheets

This page contains all our printable worksheets in section Measurement of Fifth Grade Math. As you scroll down, you will see many worksheets for perimeter, area, surface area and volume, and more.

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Perimeter of Shapes

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Measuring Length - I

Practice your understanding of length. Convert one unit of length into another and complete the unit conversion tables.

Category:  Measurement     Perimeter of Shapes     Measuring Length

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Measuring Length - II

Practice problems about length units, customary and metric. Given a length in one unit of measure, find the length in another unit of measure in this worksheet.

Category:  Measurement     Perimeter of Shapes     Measuring Length

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Find Perimeter - I

Find the perimeter of various shapes and polygons. Find how much of a thread is required to make a model of the park.

Category:  Measurement     Perimeter of Shapes     Estimate and Find Perimeter

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Perimeter Formulas - I

It is easier to find the perimeter of various shapes using formulas. Be familiar with the formulas of perimeter of different kind of shapes.

Category:  Measurement     Perimeter of Shapes     Estimate and Find Perimeter

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Perimeter and Missing Sides - I

Math problems in this worksheet will require you to find missing side/s when the perimeter of the shape is given. Use the know data and operations to find the missing sides.

Category:  Measurement     Perimeter of Shapes     Perimeter and Missing Sides

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Perimeter and Missing Sides - II

You knowledge of shapes and their properties will be put to test in this worksheet when you try to find the unknown length of side of any shape.

Category:  Measurement     Perimeter of Shapes     Perimeter and Missing Sides


Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Estimate Area - I

Shapes are drawn for you on a grid. Now count the colored squares to estimate the approximate area of the shape. Relate unit of area to unit squares on the grid.

Category:  Measurement     Area     Estimate Area

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Estimate Area - 2

Count fully shaded squares(or units) on a grid. Count the partially shaded squares that are shaded more than half. Add them to estimate the area of the shape.

Category:  Measurement     Area     Estimate Area

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Relate Perimeter and Area - I

This worksheet will help in understanding the relationship between a perimeter and area of a single shape. Also find missing sides using perimeter and then find the area.

Category:  Measurement     Area     Area of Rectangles and Triangles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Area of Rectangles and Triangles - I

Practice calculating the area of a square, triangle , or rectangle using formulas in this worksheet. Given the area of a square, find the side length.

Category:  Measurement     Area     Area of Rectangles and Triangles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Area of Rectangles and Triangles - II

Relatively two step complex problems where you need to find the are of a triangle and rectangle in the same problem and use operations to find the shaded area.

Category:  Measurement     Area     Area of Rectangles and Triangles

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Area of Parallelograms - I

Find the area of parallelograms that are not necessarily squares or rectangles, Identify and use formula to do so with ease in this worksheet.

Category:  Measurement     Area     Area of Parallelograms and Mixed Figures

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Area of Parallelograms - II

More practice problems to find the area of parallelograms using base and height. Practices extends to word problems and check some facts about your understanding.

Category:  Measurement     Area     Area of Parallelograms and Mixed Figures

Surface Area and Volume

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Relate Perimeter. Area and Volume - I

Broaden your understanding of perimeter and area to volume in this worksheet. See how units of measure differ and relate while showing perimeter, area, and volume.

Category:  Measurement     Surface Area and Volume     Perimeter, Area and Volume

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Surface Area - I

Extend your understanding of find the area of mixed figures to the surface area of solid shapes like cubes, pyramids, and prisms. Solve a set of word problems in this worksheet.

Category:  Measurement     Surface Area and Volume     Perimeter, Area and Volume

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Estimate Volume - I

Understand the units to represent volume. Do some rounding and estimation to find the volume of a solid shapes like cubes and cuboids.

Category:  Measurement     Surface Area and Volume     Estimate Volume

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Estimate Volume - II

Remember the formula to find the volume of a prism and cube. Given the dimensions, estimate the volume using rounding and estimation in this worksheet.

Category:  Measurement     Surface Area and Volume     Estimate Volume

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Find Volume - I

Find the volumes of cubes and rectangular prisms if the length of side/s is/are provided. Work in reverse to find the side length if the volume of cube is stated in a problem.

Category:  Measurement     Surface Area and Volume     Volume of Cubes and Rectangular Prisms

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Find Volume - 2

Find the accurate volume of cubes and rectangular prism using multiplication and formula. See if you can do the same for a cylinder in this worksheet.

Category:  Measurement     Surface Area and Volume     Volume of Cubes and Rectangular Prisms