Number Theory : Whole Numbers and Number Theory : Fifth Grade Math Worksheets

Below, you will find a wide range of our printable worksheets in chapter Number Theory of section Whole Numbers and Number Theory. These worksheets are appropriate for Fifth Grade Math. We have crafted many worksheets covering various aspects of this topic, prime and composite numbers, organized lists, exponents and square numbers, prime factorization, scientific notation, and many more. We hope you find them very useful and interesting.

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Number Theory

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Prime and Composite Numbers - I

Identify prime and composite numbers. See how factorization helps in determining whether the number is prime or composite.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Prime and Composite Numbers

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Prime and Composite Numbers - II

List prime and composite numbers between 1 and 100. Some tricky word problems to test your understanding of them.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Prime and Composite Numbers

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Organized Lists - I

Analyze a word problem and find and collect the data from it. Make organized list of the data you found and use them to find the combinations.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Organized Lists

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Organized Lists - II

Make organized lists to find possible ways or arrangements. Some exciting word problems that you face each time you order food.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Organized Lists

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Exponent and Square Numbers - I

Understand the terms base and exponent. Using base and exponent, find the value of an exponent number or vice versa.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Exponents and Square Numbers

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Exponent and Square Numbers - II

Convert multiplication expression to a number in exponent form. Compare exponents. Use your understanding to solve some word problems.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Exponents and Square Numbers

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Prime Factors - I

Learn using a factor tree to find prime factors of whole numbers. Apply your skill to find the largest common factor of two numbers.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Prime Factorization

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Prime Factors - II

Practice problems to help you learn more about prime factors. Some test preparation problems are also in the worksheet.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Prime Factorization

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Scientific Notation - I

Learn how to write really large numbers using base 10 and exponents. Use scientific notation to write large whole numbers and vice versa.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Scientific Notation

Worksheet: Fifth Grade

Scientific Notation - II

Understand how scientific notation is used to write large numbers involving planetary distances etc.

Category:  Whole Numbers and Number Theory     Number Theory     Scientific Notation

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