Writing Using Sequence : Writing : Preschool and Kindergarten English Language Arts Worksheets

Below, you will find a wide range of our printable worksheets in chapter Writing Using Sequence of section Writing. These worksheets are appropriate for Preschool and Kindergarten English Language Arts. We have crafted many worksheets covering various aspects of this topic, and many more. We hope you find them very useful and interesting.

A brief description of the worksheets is on each of the worksheet widgets. Click on the images to view, download, or print them. All worksheets are free for individual and non-commercial use.

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Writing Using Sequence

Worksheet: Preschool and Kindergarten

A Day at the Beach

Imagine you’re going to the beach with your family. Draw a picture of some activities that you might do there. Then write two sentences about it.

Category:  Writing     Writing Using Sequence

Worksheet: Preschool and Kindergarten

A Day at the Carnival

Imagine you’re going to visit the carnival with your family. Write three sentences about how you would spend your entire day there.

Category:  Writing     Writing Using Sequence

Worksheet: Preschool and Kindergarten

Beginning, Middle, and End

Write the sentences in the correct order. Then draw a picture that describes the story.

Category:  Writing     Writing Using Sequence

Worksheet: Preschool and Kindergarten

Beginning, Middle, and End

Write the sentences in correct order (beginning, middle, and end) to make a story.

Category:  Writing     Writing Using Sequence

Worksheet: Preschool and Kindergarten

First Place Win

Imagine that you just won the first place in your favorite sport. Draw a picture of the prize. Write three sentences about the sport, how you feel, and the prize you won.

Category:  Writing     Writing Using Sequence

Worksheet: Preschool and Kindergarten

It's Writing Time ( Humpty Dumpty )

Imagine Humpty Dumpty going to the beach. Illustrate and write what will happen.

Category:  Writing     Writing Using Sequence

Worksheet: Preschool and Kindergarten

Main Idea and Details - A Day of Fun

Fill each box below with details about what you can do at each mentioned location.

Category:  Writing     Writing Using Sequence

Worksheet: Preschool and Kindergarten

My Favorite Lunch

Draw a picture of your favorite lunch. Write three sentences about it.

Category:  Writing     Writing Using Sequence

Worksheet: Preschool and Kindergarten

Picnic With Friends

Think of a place where you would like to go with your class for a picnic. Draw a picture of the place, then write two sentences about it.

Category:  Writing     Writing Using Sequence

Again, please feel free to visit Writing to browse similar worksheets that may interest you.