Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers : Multiplication and Division : Fourth Grade Math Worksheets

Below, you will find a wide range of our printable worksheets in chapter Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers of section Multiplication and Division. These worksheets are appropriate for Fourth Grade Math. We have crafted many worksheets covering various aspects of this topic, 3-4-digit by 2-digit multiplication, 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication, multiplication patterns, estimation, using models, and many more. We hope you find them very useful and interesting.

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Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers

Apply multiplication facts and patterns to 2-digit by multi-digit multiplication. One term in the product is multiple of 10 and the other is multiple of 10, 100, or 1000.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Multiplication Patterns

More practice problems where you will use facts and patterns to multiply a multi-digit number with a two digit numbers. Complete multiplication tables using them.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Multiplication Patterns

Solve for the unknown in a multiplication equation. Apply your knowledge of multiplication facts and patterns to solve for the missing number. Work with data.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Multiplication Patterns

Round the factors in the statement and then use multiplication facts to estimate the product. Solve word problems using the same rounding and estimation skills.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Estimation

A collection of problems to practice the estimation of product of 2 whole numbers. Apply your skills to real life problems and start guessing and estimating in real life.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Estimation

Convert a multiplication statement into another by rounding the terms and then apply the multiplication facts to get the product. Use your skills and find the population using data.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Estimation

Make and interpret multiplication image/grid models that shows the multiplication of a 2-digit number by another 2-digit number.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Using Models to Multiply

Write a multiplication sentence using the model/rectangular array. Similarly make the model given a multiplication sentence showing 2-d by 2-d multiplication.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Using Models to Multiply

More practice problem where you will need to make an array/image model to show the multiplication sentence. Practice extends to word problems in this worksheet.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     Using Models to Multiply

Practice and multiply 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers using partial products and summation of them. Solve some word problems that involves such multiplication.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     2-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

Use place value and regrouping into tens and ones, to multiply 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers in this worksheet. Worksheet has a lesson about how to do it.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     2-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

A collection of problems to add to fluency while multiplying 2-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers. Apply the skills to find the solution of word problems.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     2-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

Time to practice with 3-4 digit numbers when multiplying with 2-digit numbers. Use place value and regrouping while solving the problems.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     3-4-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

A set of multiplication problems along with a few word problems in the worksheet. Read data from the table and use your multiplication skills to solve.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     3-4-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

This worksheet will require all your multiplication skills that you acquired till date. Solve problems and work with data in a table.

Category:  Multiplication and Division     Multiply by 2-Digit Numbers     3-4-Digit by 2-Digit Multiplication

Again, please feel free to visit Multiplication and Division to browse similar worksheets that may interest you.